Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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C/C++ Source or Header
231 lines
/* $Id: Idents.c,v 1.12 1992/05/05 13:19:05 grosch rel $ */
/* $Log: Idents.c,v $
* Revision 1.12 1992/05/05 13:19:05 grosch
* added rcsid
* Revision 1.11 1992/02/18 12:52:30 grosch
* changed tString from unsigned char * to char *
* Revision 1.10 1992/01/31 16:31:44 grosch
* adaption to ANSI C
* Revision 1.9 1992/01/30 13:13:54 grosch
* redesign of StringMem: pointer instead of array index
* Revision 1.8 1992/01/14 15:24:35 grosch
* introduced automatic initialization
* Revision 1.7 1991/11/21 14:28:16 grosch
* new version of RCS on SPARC
* Revision 1.6 91/09/18 15:18:46 grosch
* added procedure GetStringRef
* Revision 1.5 91/07/17 17:23:07 grosch
* introduced ARGS trick for ANSI compatibility
* Revision 1.4 91/01/21 12:13:20 grosch
* some performance improvements
* Revision 1.3 90/09/20 09:12:22 grosch
* calmed down lint
* Revision 1.2 90/07/04 14:33:55 grosch
* introduced conditional include
* Revision 1.1 89/06/06 10:28:25 grosch
* added public variable NoIdent
* Revision 1.0 88/10/04 11:44:38 grosch
* Initial revision
/* Ich, Doktor Josef Grosch, Informatiker, Sept. 1987 */
static char rcsid [] = "$Id: Idents.c,v 1.12 1992/05/05 13:19:05 grosch rel $";
# include "ratc.h"
# include "Idents.h"
# include "DynArray.h"
# define InitialTableSize 1024
# define HashTableSize 256
# define cNoIdent 0
tIdent NoIdent = 1;
typedef struct {
tStringRef String;
cardinal Length;
tIdent Collision;
} IdentTableEntry;
static unsigned short Null = 0;
static IdentTableEntry Table [InitialTableSize] = {{0, 0, 0}, {& Null, 0, cNoIdent}};
static IdentTableEntry * TablePtr = Table;
static unsigned long IdentTableSize = InitialTableSize;
static tIdent IdentCount = 1;
static tIdent HashTable [HashTableSize] = {
1 , cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
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cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
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cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
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cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
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cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent, cNoIdent,
tIdent MakeIdent
# ifdef __STDC__
(register char * string, register cardinal length)
# else
(string, length)
register char * string;
register cardinal length;
# endif
register cardinal HashTableIndex;
register tIdent CurIdent;
register IdentTableEntry * TablePtrReg;
HashTableIndex = length == 0 ? 0 : /* hash */
((cardinal) * string + (cardinal) string [length - 1] * 11
+ length * 26) & (HashTableSize - 1);
CurIdent = HashTable [HashTableIndex]; /* search */
while (CurIdent != cNoIdent) {
TablePtrReg = & TablePtr [CurIdent];
if (TablePtrReg->Length == length && IsEqualSt (TablePtrReg->String, string))
return CurIdent; /* found */
CurIdent = TablePtrReg->Collision;
if (++ IdentCount == IdentTableSize) /* not found: enter */
ExtendArray ((char * *) & TablePtr, & IdentTableSize, (long) sizeof (IdentTableEntry));
TablePtrReg = & TablePtr [IdentCount];
TablePtrReg->String = PutString (string, length);
TablePtrReg->Length = length;
TablePtrReg->Collision = HashTable [HashTableIndex];
HashTable [HashTableIndex] = IdentCount;
return IdentCount;
void GetString
# ifdef __STDC__
(tIdent ident, char * string)
# else
(ident, string)
tIdent ident;
char * string;
# endif
StGetString (TablePtr [ident].String, string);
tStringRef GetStringRef
# ifdef __STDC__
(tIdent ident)
# else
(ident) tIdent ident;
# endif
return TablePtr [ident].String;
tIdent MaxIdent ()
return IdentCount;
void WriteIdent
# ifdef __STDC__
(FILE * file, tIdent ident)
# else
(file, ident)
FILE * file;
tIdent ident;
# endif
char string [256];
GetString (ident, string);
(void) fputs (string, file);
void WriteIdents ()
cardinal i;
for (i = 1; i <= IdentCount; i ++) {
(void) printf ("%5d ", i);
WriteIdent (stdout, i);
(void) fputc ('\n', stdout);
void WriteHashTable ()
tIdent CurIdent;
cardinal i;
cardinal Count;
for (i = 0; i < HashTableSize; i ++) {
(void) printf ("%5d", i);
Count = 0;
CurIdent = HashTable [i];
while (CurIdent != cNoIdent) {
Count ++;
CurIdent = TablePtr [CurIdent].Collision;
(void) printf ("%5d", Count);
CurIdent = HashTable [i];
while (CurIdent != cNoIdent) {
(void) fputc (' ', stdout);
WriteIdent (stdout, CurIdent);
CurIdent = TablePtr [CurIdent].Collision;
(void) fputc ('\n', stdout);
(void) printf ("\nIdents = %5d\n", IdentCount);
void InitIdents ()
register cardinal i;
for (i = 0; i < HashTableSize; i ++) HashTable [i] = cNoIdent;
IdentCount = 0;
NoIdent = MakeIdent ("", 0);